‘Citations will be issued’: Sheriff in northern Wisconsin reminds drivers to be patient after one caught on camera passing snow plow

FLORENCE, Wis. (WFRV) – Officials in northern Wisconsin are reminding drivers that passing a snow plow truck on a double yellow line is illegal.

In a video shared by a Florence County Highway truck on Thursday afternoon, a driver is seen speeding around a snow plow on U.S. 2 over a double yellow line with oncoming traffic on the other side.

Frozen road laws set to begin in northern Wisconsin on Saturday, what that means:

The Florence Sheriff’s Office has identified the driver and will issue citations.

“Slow down and take the time in extra winter weather,” the post said.

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) says that it is illegal to follow a snowplow closer than 200 feet on any highway with a speed limit of more than 35 miles per hour if currently performing any snow removal.

Amidst snowstorm, authorities in Wisconsin remind motorists to clean off vehicle, urge safe driving

WisDOT says that a snowplow is legal, but must be done carefully; however, the Wisconsin State Legislature says that passing any vehicle on a solid double yellow line is illegal.

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