Winter Weather Advisories are posted for a mix of snow and freezing rain for areas from Northern Pennsylvania, the Catskills, much of the Hudson Valley, Northern New Jersey and Western Connecticut. For areas on the southern flank of the Winter Weather Advisory (parts of Northeast Pennsylvania and Northern NJ), the advisory is more for freezing rain.
We have temperatures that are borderline, light precipitation, and stubborn arctic air that is having a tough time getting out of the way. Sometimes less is worse as it creates the deception that things aren’t that bad out there. However freezing rain or freezing drizzle is not fun and icing in general can be dangerous so please be cautious if travelling around today.
Photo byNational Weather Service
Snow amounts will be on the order of a coating to at most an inch or 2 in areas inland. Ice accretion forecasts I believe are more important and we will see ice accretion up to a tenth of an inch. The late arrival of Winter Weather Advisories likely means that roads have not been brined for this.