NYC stepdad from hell forced kid to eat own vomit, beat him within inches of his life as punishment for eating brownies: prosecutors

A Queens stepdad from hell beat his 8-year-old stepson within inches of his life and forced him to lick up his own vomit – all because the kid may have secretly eaten his brownies, prosecutors said Tuesday.

Davien Reid Sr., 43, faces an attempted murder charge in the brutal April 2024 attack that left the boy with neck and back fractures and multiple internal injuries inside the family’s home on 88th Avenue in Richmond Hill, the Queens district attorney’s office said.

Reid accused the boy of eating his brownies before senselessly hitting the child, picking him up, throwing him to the ground and then repeatedly stomping on him, prosecutors said.

The cruel stepdad then demanded that the battered boy lick his own vomit off the floor, prosecutors said…

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