Mobile spay and neuter clinic will tackle pet overpopulation in San Joaquin County

A mobile clinic that provides free spay and neuter services for cats and dogs will soon roll out in San Joaquin County.

The San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors recently voted 4-0 to allocate $10,000 to the Animal Protection League’s (APL) new mobile spay and neuter clinic. The money came out of District 4 Supervisor Steve Ding’s discretionary fund.

“We need to have safe, low-cost ways for San Joaquin County residents to spay and neuter their pets,” Ding said.

District 4 constituents have complained about stray animals, Ding said. Spay and neuter programs help prevent animals from roaming the streets, animal neglect, and overcrowding local shelters, he added.

“The team at APL have our full support to help end the crisis of unwanted pets in our community,” he said. “I want to encourage all our residents to spay and neuter their cats and dogs to help control the pet population.”

Ding noted that the costs of spaying and neutering animals can prevent some from getting the services they need.

At the ACT Spay and Neuter Clinic in Stockton, it costs $85 to spay a female cat and $65 to neuter a male cat. The cost for dogs ranges anywhere between $120 to $275, depending on gender and weight.

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