Check out some photos from talented Stockton Record guest photographers

The current Readers Photo Challenge was an open one, leaving the the choice of subject up to each entrant to come up with themselves.

Subjects ranged from closeups to birds to landscapes and more. Nine readers sent in 24 photos. Here are the top picks.

On a recent chilly morning, Carolyn Silva’s husband stepped into the backyard of their Jackson home to empty a rain gauge. Soon he called to her to come out and to bring her camera with her.

Their normally dusty glass patio table was covered with frost in an unusual pattern. The ice crystals swirled about in intricate and detailed forms that looked like a baroque tapestry.

With her Nikon D7500 DSLR camera, Silva captured the tabletop scene as first beams of sunlight began to grace the ice. The patterns quickly melted under the sun.

Susan Scott found that even in the middle of winter, an ornamental pear tree in her front yard was a perfect place to attract birds and to take pictures of them. Several species of birds feasted on the berries of the tree.

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