Stockton is 175 years old. Here are 5 fun facts about the ‘All American City’

The “All American City” celebrated its 175 birthday on Tuesday, July 23.

Stockton is located California’s Central Valley and was founded by German immigrant Charles M. Weber. The city was founded in 18949 and officially incorporated on July 23, 1850.

In 1851, it became a charter from the state of California.

Where did Stockton get its name?

Known by several nicknames like “Mudville,” “Tuleburg” and “Gas City,” the city was named after Commodore Robert F. Stockton.

Stockton was a naval officer born on August 20, 1795, in Princeton, New Jersey, according to Visit Stockton.

At the age of 16, Stockton was appointed as a midshipman in the U.S. Navy and served at sea and ashore during the War of 1812, The Naval History and Heritage Command website states. He resumed active naval service in 1838 as a captain for two years before he took leave for political work, the website states.

He resigned from the Navy in May 1950, following business and political endeavors.

Stockton was the U.S. Senator from New Jersey in 1851 to 1853.

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