Stockton businesses ready as Pacific University students return to campus

Pacific University, nearby businesses welcome students back 02:35

STOCKTON – The Miracle Mile was alive Friday night with Pacific University students back on campus and going back into the community, and local business owners there are excited about it.

They’re getting ready for a big bash with everything a little Miracle Mile festival needs.

Zoyla Cifuentes is the owner of Comal Coffee right next to Stockton’s Miracle Mile and is ready for students to come back.

“It gives me more life. More life, more hope,” said Cifuentes.

She just opened her coffee shop less than six months ago and already has felt the impact having University of the Pacific students around does for her business.

“I did miss them for the summer. I would have a soccer team that would come in for the UOP and they would hang out here a lot,” she said.

Now, her shop is expanding and she’s looking to hopefully hire some Pacific students as they come back to campus this week.

“We are expanding to Spanos to the commercial building. We love to work with the youth,” said Cifuentes.

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