Phone ban heads to Stockton council after closed session leak concerns

A ban on communication devices in confidential Stockton city council meetings, urged by a grand jury after an apparent illegal leak last year, is headed toward a council vote following a committee recommendation.

The ban would require councilmembers to leave phones, smart watches and all other electronic devices outside the room when the council discusses city business the law deems confidential, according to the Legislation and Environmental Committee’s discussion at city hall Wednesday.

Will no-phones rule change? Despite ban, some Stockton City Council members text on the dais

Such business includes city employee performance reviews and pending lawsuits, according to the Brown Act.

“I would like to be a little more stern on the cell phone use for closed sessions,” District 6 Councilmember Kimberly Warmsley said.

The San Joaquin County Grand Jury recommended the device ban in its June report after finding that someone leaked details of the council’s March 2023 review of City Manager Harry Black’s performance.

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