Homeowners with solar panels prior to April 2023 may have subsidies broken

If you own your home, purchased solar panels before April 2023 and are on the Net Metering Plan, changes could be coming to your bill.

California’s goal to provide 100% clean, sustainable energy by 2045 was a driving force to get people to install solar. Currently, solar panel users are being reimbursed at market rates for excess energy sent back to the grid, according to the incentive agreement that lasts 20 years, but that may be changing.

“They signed an agreement with the utility in the state that said that this program, they could stay on for 20 years,” Executive Director of Solar Rights Alliance Dave Rosenfeld said. “Part of the proposal is just break that contract, break the terms of that agreement, and then on top of that, slap them with a tax for having solar panels on their roof.”…

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