Oneida Indian Nation officer saves neighbor who fell through ice

Oneida Indian Nation Police Officer Andrew Costello saved a neighbor’s life while off-duty over the weekend, according to a statement from the Oneida Indian Nation.

Oneida Indian Nation Representative Ray Halbritter and Oneida Indian Nation Police Chief David Verne awarded Costello with a special commendation for his bravery on Monday.

Leaping into action

The Oneida Indian Nation said Costello on Sunday noticed his neighbor had fallen through the ice while fishing on Oneida Lake. Costello immediately called 911, grabbed a ladder, and went out onto the ice.

Costello was able to use the ladder to pull his neighbor out of the ice and then assisted him to shore, Oneida Indian Nation authorities said.

“I saw someone in need of assistance, and there was no thinking,” Costello said in an emailed statement. “I did what I was trained to do, and I’m very thankful for a positive outcome.”

Once ashore, Costello and his neighbor were further assisted by Oneida Nation Police Officer Michael Grajko, members of the Bridgeport Fire Department and other law enforcement agencies, Oneida Indian Nation authorities said.

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