GoFundMe set up to help JE grad

According to information posted on GoFunMe by Mary Jo Davis, Rachel Luziani, a member of the Jordan-Elbridge class of 2022 was involved in a car accident while she was home visiting on Dec. 23 at approximately 9:30 p.m.

Luziani was home from Niagara Falls Culinary Institute where she is one semester away from completing her degree. According to the GoFundMe page, “She was driving home from last minute Christmas errands and just a mile from her home, she was t-boned by a vehicle crossing into her lane. The driver of the vehicle was charged with driving while intoxicated. Rachel was trapped inside her vehicle, and it took medical personnel, including a trauma surgeon, almost an hour to remove her from her vehicle. They then transported Rachel to University Hospital where she was treated for her injuries that included a break at the C-1 (she is in a neck brace for 6-8 weeks), several fractures and compound fractures in her left arm, broken rib, a collapsed lung, a broken pelvis, and a broken femur. Rachel was intubated, had a chest tube put in, and lost her pulse and heartbeat. Many thanks to the medical team for bringing her back. Rachel was put in ICU where she stayed until she was awake, off the breathing tube, and stable from all her surgeries–a total of 8. One of which caused embolisms to go her brain resulting in several mini strokes. She also received 110 units of blood.”

Story continues