Syracuse Residents Bear the Brunt: In-depth Investigation Reveals High Impact of Police Vehicle Accidents

A collaborative investigation by the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Central Current, and USA TODAY Network-New York has uncovered a trend of police vehicle accidents in Syracuse and across New York State. From 2013 to 2022, Syracuse police officers were involved in numerous accidents, some leading to serious civilian injuries. The investigation noted that disciplinary action against officers involved in these incidents was often minimal.

A case in point is Deshane Levere, a 52-year-old woman who was seriously injured when a police car ran a red light and collided with her vehicle. The officer had not turned on his lights or sirens, and Levere sustained significant injuries to her neck and spine. Despite years of physical therapy, her condition has not improved significantly, and her lawsuit against the police was dismissed on appeal. Levere feels the system is biased in favor of protecting officers.

The investigation also discovered that officers with a record of unsafe driving often continue to drive, despite being involved in multiple accidents. The disciplinary actions they face are usually related to the damage to police vehicles, with less emphasis on civilian injuries. This raises questions about law enforcement accountability and public safety.

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