What Happens If You Put Water Under Tonight’s Blue Super Moon And Drink It?

Tonight’s full moon isn’t just any ordinary full moon; it’s a Super Blue Moon. This moon carries an incredible blend of cosmic energy that is setting the scene to shake things up.

What is the blue moon and why should I care?

“Once in a blue moon.” This is where the saying comes from. And this one is like good luck on steroids.

When the moon’s orbit takes it closer to Earth, it appears larger and brighter than a regular full moon. This is known as a supermoon. When there are four full moons in a season, the third is called the blue moon. The moon won’t actually be blue; it’ll be red. This starts us on a confusing path, which ends with us putting water and crystals out on the lawn. Stick with me here!

If you’ve been feeling extra tension, excitement, anxiety, or just a general “low buzzing” feeling in your bones, this is no coincidence. This supermoon is the center of the celestial dance that is bringing every sign of the zodiac into a period of deep transformation that we are witnessing in August. Your conduct, spiritual health, and emotions will all benefit from this experience.

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