Walk to End Alzheimer’s to be held at OCC

The Alzheimer’s Association is inviting Syracuse-area residents to join the fight to end Alzheimer’s by participating in the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s on Sunday, Sept. 8, at Onondaga Community College.

Registration opens at 9 a.m. at the SRCArena & EventsCenter, followed by opening ceremonies at 10 a.m.

Amy Robbins, of the popular “Ted and Amy in the Morning” show on 93Q and New York State Broadcaster’s Association Hall of Fame inductee, will once again serve as emcee.

“This is a pivotal moment in the fight against Alzheimer’s. There are now treatments that change the course of the disease,” said Stephanie Crockett, 2024 event chair and president and CEO at Mower. “We hope that everyone in our community can join us by starting a team to help the Alzheimer’s Association raise awareness and funds for families facing the disease today, take more steps toward treatments and finally ending this disease.”

One of the top fundraising teams for the Syracuse Walk is named “Irish Eyes Are Smiling,” which has raised more than $50,000 since forming 12 years ago.

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