Critz Farms worries about future of climate change

CAZENOVIA, N.Y. (WSYR-TV) — New York is one of the largest apple-producing states in the country. But could climate change soon change that?

“It’s like summertime almost out here,” said Matthew Critz, co-owner of Critz Farms in Cazenovia.

It’s the kind of weather Critz wants.

“It’s great for the apples. Dry and warm weather at the end of the season raises the sugar content and it will be a lot sweeter this year,” said Critz.

There’s about 2,000 apple trees in the orchard, with roughly 40 apples to pick from hanging on each tree.

“We have a great crop this year. So picking is going very well. We open last weekend and met expectations for our opening weekend. We have mostly mid and late-season apples, so we’re starting right about now, is the start of peak picking for us,” said Critz.

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