Baltimore Woods shares fall programs

The leaves are falling, the outdoor temperatures are getting cooler, and the nature educational programs are in full swing at Baltimore Woods Nature Center.

In addition to enjoying the four new trails on the preserve that opened in August, this month has opportunities for everyone including renewing your connections to nature through guided forest therapy, exploring the hidden gems where our summer campers make discoveries, capturing the crisp colors of fall leaves using watercolor paint, and more.

There’s a program for everyone this October at The Woods.

Stewardship work day: Trail maintenance on Oct. 5 from 9 to noon.

At the Saturday stewardship work day in October, Baltimore Woods will be focusing on trail maintenance involving waterbar and rolling dip cleanout.

Water management is the most important part of keeping trails stable and usable. Part of controlling water is installing water diversion structures like water bars and rolling dips.

These structures require periodic maintenance of removing silt and organics that have built up over the summer and fall.

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