The story of Waukeenah Highway’s Mr. Snowman

Hailey Heseltine ECB Publishing, Inc. If you have recently traveled down Waukeenah Highway, you may have noticed a strange sight to behold-a giant metal snowman, standing proud with a smile by the side of the road! This snowman is the work of Rudy Scheese and Emily Pepperman, two family friends who share a passion for welding. Pepperman and Scheese first met and bonded because of welding. Pepperman and her husband, Quinn, moved to Monticello about a year and a half ago in search of a quieter lifestyle and a place that would lend itself to their outdoorsy and adventurous natures. Prior to moving here, Pepperman had already cultivated an interest in working with metal, which was what le.

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