Rudy Ferguson accuses Leon Dem Party chair Ryan Ray of taking sides in commission race

Rudy Ferguson, a candidate for Tallahassee City Commission, filed a complaint with the Florida Democratic Party accusing Ryan Ray, chairman of the Leon County Democratic Executive Committee, of taking sides against him in the commission race.

Ferguson , a pastor, is challenging City Commissioner Jack Porter in a three-person race for Seat 1. Ray, a longtime Porter friend and adviser who also serves as aide to City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow, was elected in late 2022 as chair of the DEC . He denied Ferguson’s allegation.

While the race is a non-partisan one, both Ferguson and Porter are registered Democrats.

On Wednesday, Ferguson emailed a 13-page complaint on campaign letterhead to Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried and several others, including state Reps. Allison Tant and Gallop Franklin, D-Tallahassee.

“My purpose in writing is to express deep concerns regarding discriminatory practices targeting our campaign by local Democratic Party officials in Tallahassee,” Ferguson said. “We have noted specific public statements, consulting activities and financial contributions that raise questions about the fairness and impartiality of the Leon County Democratic Party’s conduct.”

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