Neighbors and businesses can get help with applying for tornado disaster relief

  • The U.S. Small Business Administration has set up a Business Recovery Center at the Domi Station.
  • Businesses and neighbors can visit and get free help in applying for tornado disaster relief loans.
  • Watch the video to learn more about the loans and eligibility.


It’s been almost two months since tornadoes hit our neighborhoods, yet financial assistance continues to roll out to those in need.

I’m neighborhood reporter Kenya Cardonne in Southwest Tallahassee where the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is helping neighbors apply for disaster relief loans.

Calling all local businesses, homeowners, renters, private and non-profit organizations — you can now apply for a disaster loan from the SBA.

Their team has set up a Business Recovery Center at the Domi Station, and have since helped more than 100 neighbors apply for free.

Take a look below at the SBA’s Fact Sheet to see a full breakdown of the loans and eligibility criteria. U.S. Small Business Administration

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