‘You Will Eat That Dog Sh*t!’ Tucker Carlson Calls Out Florida State Fan Who Reneged on Viral Pledge

Old Row

Tucker Carlson was asked to read a statement about the FSU fan who backed out of a bet to eat dog poop after the team lost to Boston College.

Early Thursday morning, Tucker appeared on the Old Row Twitter account to read a statement about the situation.

“A manhunt is underway for a man called ‘321nole’ after claiming he would eat dog shit out of a red Solo cup if Boston College beat Florida State on Monday night. Oh, that was a reckless claim, wasn’t it?” Tucker said. “He has wiped, no pun intended, all of his social media accounts from the internet. Facebook, Instagram, X, even TikTok — all gone. What happened to standing by your word in this country, 321nole? You’re about to get married and have children. Is this the type of father you want to be?

“321nole, let me say this: the people of this country will hold you accountable for your actions and your promises; and, mark my words, you will eat that dog shit out of a red Solo cup, come hell or high water!”

Tucker then emphasized that he wasn’t endorsing the message. He was only reading it.

Story continues