Oldest Sickle Cell Disease survivor in Florida lives in the Quincy Neighborhood

  • Linda Mason is the oldest in the state who has Sickle Cell Disease.
  • If both parents have the sickle cell trait, there is a 50% chance that any child of theirs also will have the trait.
  • Watch the video to hear her story.


People with Sickle Cell Disease have a life expectancy more than 2 decades shorter than the general population. I’m Ashley Engle your Quincy Neighborhood reporter. One Gadsden County women beat those odds and is the oldest survivor with sickle cell disease in the state. I spent some time with her to see how she’s using her story to encourage others.

“Sometimes, it’s hard to give things to Jesus. I feel blessed and like I said its sad but good.”

Meet Linda Mason. A mother, grandmother and great grandmother. But also, a sickle cell survivor.

“I can’t even imagine what it was like for her and my father”

Linda tells me 75 years ago, her mother and father found out she had sickle cell disease.

A disease when red blood cells contort into a sickle shape. Like this shown on your screen.

Story continues