A ‘traumatized’ Gulf Coast, Florida, Southeast must watch possible storm threat Forecast

Well, it happened again.

I hope wherever this update finds you, you are safe and your recovery process is getting started following Helene , a storm that stands with any of the worst hurricane disasters in U.S. history.

The scope of the destruction , particularly in two places dear to my heart, the Big Bend and western North Carolina , is immense and difficult to comprehend, even as my home of Tallahassee has — again — escaped the very worst of a major hurricane by a hair’s breadth.

At some point, I’m going to write something to try to put Helene into its proper meteorological and historical context. To be honest, I simply can’t do it right now. I need time and space.

However, I do want to weigh in briefly on something more pressing after hearing from so many of you by email: the potential for another round of tropical development in the Caribbean and Gulf in the next week.

I’ve been monitoring this possibility for a few days but haven’t said anything, simply because I didn’t want to unnecessarily alarm the already traumatized with something that had a low probability of happening.

Story continues