Speeder control, pothole patrol and sidewalk safety among top concerns Street Scene

Q. Gordon is asking for speed control in Indian Head Acres and other neighborhoods bordering South Magnolia Drive as the construction has provided a path for speeding drivers racing through otherwise quiet safe neighborhoods forced to offer up detour streets.

A . Calling Chief Revell. Chief, these neighborhoods provide a significant amount of grammar school children walking to and from Hartsfield School. Mixing children and scofflaw drivers tearing through Indian Head Acres is a disastrous combination.

Capital Circle NE solution

Q. Ben has an easy fix for the backed up northbound traffic on Capital Circle NE trying to turn left onto Hermitage Boulevard. Extended the north to west left turn lane. The north to west traffic is backing into the northbound through lane at the same time Chick-fil-A traffic is clogging up the right lane.

A . I agree with Ben. The benefit to the majority would be to extend the north to west left turn storage lane south to Gilliam Lane. The minimal number of southbound traffic turning left onto eastbound Gilliam Lane would not be nearly as disruptive and dangerous as tying up a major three lane thoroughfare.

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