Wakulla alumnus sells tags to help students with unpaid school lunch debt

  • One Wakulla High School Alumus is selling tags to pay for remaining student lunch balances at Wakulla High School
  • Proceeds from tag sales are helping pay off $6,000 in unpaid lunch debt at Wakulla High School.
  • Watch the video to see why he’s doing it and how the community has responded


After hearing that unpaid school lunch debt was preventing some Wakulla High School students from participating in extracurricular activities, local residents stepped in to help.

“I know if we were in a spot like some of these families are, we’d appreciate the community’s help also,” shared Danny Strickland, a Wakulla High School alumnus.

Strickland has taken a personal initiative to sell Wakulla-inspired tags and donate the profits to help pay off school lunch debts

These tags hold a special meaning for Strickland’s family.

“I had originally ordered these tags for family members last year for Christmas because the original tag was on my brother’s vehicle when he passed in 2020,” Strickland explained. “We put it in a memory box and thought that would be a great thing for all of his nieces and nephews to have as a gift from him.”

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