Home Price Declines Likely In Hurricane Prone Tampa and Palm Beach

Home research firm CoreLogic issues a monthly report about national housing. It also looks at data by state and city. The most recent study is the January edition. Their findings include a list of metros where home prices are most likely to decline. Their list of five includes Palm Beach and Tampa, two cities at risk for major hurricanes that have been damaged by hurricanes in the last decade.

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In November 2023, home prices increased nationwide by 5.5% compared to November 2022. CoreLogic forecasts that this upward trend will continue, although not as quickly. Its experts expect home prices nationwide to rise 2.5% from November 2023 to November 2024. Dr. Selma Hepp, Chief Economist for CoreLogic, was surprised to see the current price strength during this period of high mortgage rates.

November 2024 Forecast

From November 2023 to November 2024, home prices will rise most in the northwest, the CoreLogic forecasts show. Among states, Rhode Island is expected to post an increase of 11.6%, followed by Connecticut at 10.6%.

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