Finding Yourself: Overcoming Feeling Lost

If you’ve ever felt lost, you are just about average and on course as a human being. Everyone faces this challenge sooner or later. Feeling lost is a sign that you believe your life is on the wrong track. 
You feel like your life lacks meaning and that your future is uncompelling. This is a great time to take a long, hard look at yourself. You can learn a lot during this period. 
Try these activities to find yourself and create a future that inspires you again: 
1. Make a list of things you’d like to see in your lifetime. One of the reasons you feel lost is that you don’t have anything to look forward to. You can change that quickly by making a list of all the things you’d like to see in your lifetime. Here are a few ideas to stimulate your thinking. Here are some of the things I managed to do in my lifetime 
* Visit The Great Wall of China 
* See The Colosseum in Rome Italy 
* Experience the Carnaval do Rio de Janeiro Brizil 
* Spend a week with orangutans in Indonesia 
* Watch a classic movie (I made it a point to see Casablanca) 
* Attend a Live Ballet (I saw The Nutcracker) 

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