Surprise councilman seeks to end controversial ban on criticism

(The Center Square) – Surprise Councilman Jack Hastings wants to get rid of the city’s public comment policy that has landed the city in legal hot water.

“On Tuesday, at our next City Council Meeting, I will make a motion and/or vote to remove the rule that prohibits complaints against elected officials and city staff members during the public comment portion of our meetings,” he posted on Friday.

“I support the freedom of speech and people should be able to voice their concerns and criticize their government and elected officials,” Hastings added.

Surprise is being sued by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression over Mayor Skip Hall having a resident Rebekah Massie thrown out of a city council meeting in which she criticized the decision to give City Attorney Robert Wingo a pay raise.

“Massie insisted—correctly—that the First Amendment protected her comments. Mayor Hall didn’t care, responding, “Do you want to be escorted out of here or are you going to stop talking?” Massie stood firm on her constitutional rights and demanded the opportunity to finish her remarks,” the federal lawsuit stated.

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