Chandler animal abuse court date is now Oct. 24

A court date for a woman accused of 77 counts of animal abuse-related charges has been moved again.

Sydney McKinley is due in Chandler Municipal Court, 200 E. Chicago St., Downtown Chandler, Thursday, Oct. 24, 8:30 a.m., for a pre-trial conference.

The latest postponement, according to a city of Chandler news release, is an opportunity for the defendant and the defendant’s attorney to meet with the prosecutor. The motion to postpone was made by a defense attorney and granted by a judge.

The date of the pre-trial conference has been moved back at least four times.

The release explained a pre-trial conference is an opportunity for the defendant and the defendant’s attorney to meet with the prosecutor.

McKinley was jailed briefly Sept. 22 of last year after 55 live and five deceased dogs were found at her Chandler home when a search warrant was served; her state charges are still pending.

In early January, a Chandler judge dismissed McKinley’s appeal to have 13 dogs returned to her from the Arizona Humane Society.

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