Arizona Teen’s Campaign That Will Make a Difference for Animals

It’s hard to believe, but there are still cosmetics and skin care companies that test their products on animals. One Arizona teen is working with Arizona legislators to change that, and she’s advocating for animals by bringing an end to the sale of these products in Arizona.

Jordan Sucato: Arizona Teen & Animal Advocate

Jordan Sucato is a Phoenix teenager who is proving that you’re never too young to make a difference for something you care deeply about. Jordan is passionate about animals and their welfare, and she’s working to make changes in our state.

Jordan was named Time Magazine’s Kid of the Year in 2024 after founding a nonprofit called Laws for Paws LLC and raising over $10,000 to help homeless dogs.

Jordan used the money to buy booties to protect the paws of dogs belonging to Phoenix’s homeless. The doggie-shoes keep dogs’ feet safe from burns that can happen on Arizona’s scorching hot sidewalks and roadways.

Stopping Sales of Animal-Tested Cosmetics in Arizona

Animal testing for cosmetics is an outdated and unnecessary practice, considering there are better ways to test products without inflicting harm and suffering on animals.

Jordan Sucato and other animal activists are supporting Arizona Senate Bill 1031 (SB 1031), which would ban the sale of cosmetics tested on animals in Arizona.

Activists have been pleading with lawmakers to consider passing this bill to protect animals from unnecessary harm and suffering. She and other advocates are pushing for safer, more effective alternatives to get cosmetics to market without hurting animals.

What Would Happen if Arizona Senate Bill 1031 Passes?

The bill still has a long way to go, but it’s passed the first hurdle with preliminary approval from the Arizona Senate. Most cosmetics industry lobbyists are not opposing the legislation, and many consumers are voting with their dollars and choosing cruelty free products…

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