Keep Toledo/Lucas County encourages recycling eclipse glasses after April 8

Thousands of people will travel to northwest Ohio to view the eclipse through special glasses, and several area organizations want to make sure those glasses are reused instead of discarded after the April 8 event.

Keep Toledo/Lucas County Beautiful has partnered with Imagination Station, Destination Toledo, and the Toledo Lucas County Public Library to collect eclipse-viewing glasses for recycling and reuse in the days following the eclipse.

“There’s not much that is happening this year larger than the solar eclipse that is happening on April 8, and with that, like any large event, there will be potential for a lot of waste with this event, at least with the eclipse-glasses that everybody needs to view the eclipse happening,” said Adam Cassi, executive director of Keep Toledo/Lucas County Beautiful, at a news conference on Wednesday.

To combat that potential waste, designated collection boxes will be placed at Toledo Lucas County Libraries and Imagination Station from April 8 to April 18, Mr. Cassi said.

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