Washington Local middle school fails to secure special use permit

A motion to pass a special use permit for a new Washington Local middle school failed by a vote of 2-2 at the Toledo-Lucas County Plan Commission meeting Thursday.

The matter had been delayed at a plan commission meeting Jan. 11 so a traffic study could be conducted after neighbors in the area of the proposed middle school expressed concerns about congested traffic.

Chris Droznek, senior traffic engineer with Civil and Environmental Consultants, said a study he conducted showed that traffic would be slower during drop-off and pick-up times at the school but would soon diminish after those times.

Existing traffic volumes in the study area, bounded by Alexis Road, McGregor Lane, Harvest Lane, and Rambo Lane, showed less than 100 vehicles on those roads during drop-offs from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. and pick-ups from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. “Those volumes are low enough, that with the additional traffic we’re projecting, traffic could be easily accommodated,” Mr. Droznek said.

“There is going to be a minimal additional delay with the additional traffic at any of those intersections,” said Gary Stookey a senior professional engineer with traffic management in the city of Toledo.

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