Editorial: Merge fire services

Rossford is going through a painful process that could potentially end with having to give up control of one of any municipality’s most treasured assets — the fire department.

City leaders should make cost and safety their first considerations, even if that means painting the words “Perrysburg Township” on their fire trucks.

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Contracting with Perrysburg Township is the easiest and cheapest option in the short term. This could happen four to six weeks after approval and would cost $1.6 million. No additional millage would be needed.

In the longer run, Rossford and all of northern Wood County are probably best served by a regional fire service. Such an arrangement would allow for the most professional staff and the most economical distribution of fire houses.

A study was completed last year about merging Rossford, Lake Township, and Northwood fire and EMS operations.

The cost of that merger has been pegged at $2.5 million and take up to a year to implement, with a new 8-mill levy, at a cost of another $147 a year for a $100,000 home.

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