MONROE — Dr. Laura Katz is battling cancer for the second time.
The Monroe obstetrician/gynecologist first chronicled her cancer fight four years ago when she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. She even penned a book about her journey, “OK, It’s My Turn Now.” She wanted to detail her experiences and share the message “you can steer your own ship.”
This time around, symptoms for Katz started with vision problems in July 2023. Repeated visits to the eye doctor could not determine the problem. Then, she experienced vision loss. She knew something was wrong and she needed someone to listen.
“I couldn’t see at night anymore. I was fumbling around in the dark,” Laura Katz said. “I knew this can’t be OK. We have to look harder. We got some pictures and they sent me to U of M to a uveitis specialist. She took one look and said, ‘I think there’s lymphoma in here.”
A battery of tests followed. Katz met with oncology and her symptoms progressed. In December, she was scheduled for a brain biopsy at ProMedica Hospital in Toledo.