Toledo singer Ramona Collins performing Tuesday in Temperance

TEMPERANCE — Toledo singer Ramona Collins will explore the relationship between blues and jazz at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Bedford Branch Library, 8575 Jackman Road. She’s calling the performance “When Jazz Meets Blues.”

The concert is part of the Monroe County Library System’s annual Black History Month Blues series. Admission to all programs is free. The public is welcome.

“With a musical career dating back to the 1970s, Collins has explored musical styles including blues, jazz, pop, rock, Motown, rhythm & blues, soul and country,” the library system said.

Collins has performed with jazz musicians and vocalists from Detroit, Ann Arbor and Toledo at clubs like Rusty’s Jazz Café, Murphy’s Place, Baker’s Keyboard Lounge, Bert’s Marketplace and the Bird of Paradise. She has toured nationally and played in New York City with pianist Johnny O’Neal. Collins actively supports the jazz and blues communities in Toledo participating in the Toledo Jazz Society and the Black Swamp Blues Society.

Joining Collins is her band featuring Sean Dobbins, Cliff Monear, and Dave Stearns.

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