Navy veteran from Monroe receives citation for nuclear testing efforts in Vietnam era

MONROE — Tom Hoffman was just recognized for classified missions he completed nearly 70 years ago in the Navy.

Hoffman, 85, of Monroe recently received the Defense Department’s Atomic Veterans Commemorative Service certificate and gold medal for his involvement in testing nuclear weapons. His only other military award was the Good Conduct Medal.

“It was for normal service, nothing like this,” Hoffman said.

The Atomic Veterans Commemorative Service Medal was started in 2022 by the Defense Department to honor veterans exposed to radiation while helping the country develop and test nuclear weapons. Servicemen detonated weapons and cleaned up radioactive material back when the ill effects of radiation weren’t known. According to the Military Officers of America, half a million veterans were involved in the testing. Some, like Hoffman, later developed cancer and other serious illnesses, which may have been caused by radiation exposure.

“The program of the Department of Justice recognizes, after many, many years, those people who served their county and were exposed to radiation,” said Marta, Tom’s wife of 45 years.

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