Man says thanks to Maumee emergency responders following heart attack

A Maumee man, with an entourage of family members, thanked the emergency responders who helped save his life after he suffered a heart attack this year.

Rodney May, 66, visited the Maumee 1st Fire Station on Thursday with several dozen donuts, a small token of appreciation.

First on the scene was Mr. May’s wife, Mary, who noticed Mr. May was having some discomfort in the early morning hours of March 20, but he shrugged it off to heartburn from the cheeseburgers he ate earlier in the evening.

“I’m never making him another one [cheeseburger],” she said.

As Mr. May became unresponsive, his wife called 911 around 2:30 a.m., and the first part of the assembly line of rescue workers picked up the phone.

The 911 operator talked Mrs. May through administering CPR until police could arrive. Maumee Police Officers Corey Henson and Melissa Echler continued CPR and then started to use an automated external defibrillator, shocking Mr. May multiple times until paramedics could arrive at his Maumee home.

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