Group raising money, awareness for proposed Polish cultural center

Polish residents in the area are at risk of growing further away from their culture, Tom Pruss says.

“Every day that goes by us, we lose more and more generations of people who know the reason [for certain traditions] and the reason why they celebrate their heritage,” said Mr. Pruss, advisory board member for the Northwest Ohio Polish Cultural Center.

The Northwest Ohio Polish Cultural Center is trying to keep the appreciation of Polish culture alive in Toledo by raising funds for a building, which is set to be built at 1600 Mott Ave. in East Toledo and share the name of the nonprofit.

The group has started hosting events to raise the money like its weeklong series of upcoming events featuring Anna Hurning, a Polish cook who’s known for her YouTube channel and blog Polish Your Kitchen . Ms. Hurning is visiting Toledo from Poland this week.

Tom Sorosiak, another advisory board member for the center, said “everything is done” regarding obtaining permits and surveying, but the organization still needs more money for the facility.

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