Cathedral Concert Series opens with national group

Making a joyful noise isn’t just for church services.

Several area houses of worship are turning their spaces into concert halls.

Amid the awe-inspiring interiors, churches can be the right places to spend an afternoon or evening of music of both religious-themed work or the more secular kind.

Since 2007, Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral on Collingwood, has been throwing open its beautiful sanctuary for a Sunday Concert Series as well as being the powerful setting for the Toledo Symphony Orchestra’s performance of Georg Fridrich Handel’s Messiah .

On Sept. 29, the series kicks off a new season with a performance by Chanticleer, the Grammy-winning vocal group that is stopping in Toledo in between tour dates.

“They’ve contacted me in the past, and it just has never worked out,” said Paul Monachino , director of liturgical music and the organist.

But all the pieces fell into place this time.

“They were looking for some spots in between other tours. So it was, it was kind of nice to be able to do it,” he said.

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