To the editor: Dog adoption was smooth process

Four months after losing our elderly beagle mix we were ready to adopt a dog. I knew Lucas County Canine Care & Control had a program where we could take a dog on a day trip for several hours. We chose a 2-year-old “pit bull” male who had an extra blurb on his information sheet saying he walked well on a leash and was very loving. We took him home and saw what a friendly, calm fellow he was.

But was he right for us? LCCCC offers a foster-to-adopt program, which gave us a couple weeks to decide if he was a good fit. From sleeping through the night, greeting visitors in a friendly but calm fashion, to minimal barking, we knew we had found a dog who met our criteria. Thanks to those who created helpful programs for prospective adopters and the friendly, encouraging staff who assisted us and kept our dog alive for 3 months until we adopted him.


West Toledo

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Hypocrisy is senator’s next work of fiction?

The writer of Hillbilly Elegy must be developing the plot for his next work of fiction. Otherwise, what could explain the Republican Party vice presidential candidate’s penchant for tall tales and outright lies while alluding to Bible quotes that he personally does not follow? How can this candidate espouse the hateful myth that Haitians in Springfield are eating dogs and cats in one speech and also reference Leviticus 19:18, to love thy neighbor, in another? Maybe the title of his next book should be “Hillbilly Hypocrisy!”

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