Car show and dancing witches coming to The Sports Gardens Saturday

MONROE — On Saturday afternoon, patrons will find a charity car show and dancing witches at The Sports Gardens , 1879 N. Dixie Hwy. in Monroe.

The Hot Summer Nights Car Cruise for Charity and Lake Erie Hexenbrut dance troupe are scheduled to make an appearance at the family entertainment center.

“They are looking to do 80-plus vehicles between 12 p.m.-4 p.m. and we’ll also have the dancing witches that same day,” Dan Sinnott said. “They’ll be on the course and around the building from 1-3 p.m. There’s no admission for cars and it’s open to all cars, not just vintage cars.”

Located on four acres at the corner of North Dixie Hwy. and Sandy Creek Road, Sinnott, a Monroe resident, owns and operates the business with the help of several part-time employees.

“In 2019, my mom at the age of 63 passed away unexpectedly and that threw me for a loop with my own life,” Sinnott said. “I started looking at where life was taking me and then COVID hit and I started working from home.”

Employed as an electrical engineer, Sinnott says he started looking for other career options where he could be closer to home and his family.

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