Small businesses on Broadway impacted by construction to get some relief

Small businesses on Broadway Street in Toledo have been impacted by major road reconstruction since May, some to the point of having to temporarily shut down as a result.

Those that remain open have faced reduced foot traffic and revenue loss due to the reconstruction, from Stebbins Street to Western Avenue, which is expected to be completed next year.

Now they will get some relief. City council on Wednesday allocated $100,000 to help these local businesses survive.

Councilmen Adam Martinez and Theresa Gadus sought the funding as part of a proposed Legacy Corridor Construction Mitigation grant program.

“This is a pilot project to help local businesses on Broadway. If successful, we can use the program in the future on deep road constructions in 2025 and 2026,” Mr. Martinez said. “It’s really easy to point blame on how we got to this point. But I would rather fix the problem and make sure no other small businesses suffer the same as they have on Broadway.”

It is the second time in recent memory that small businesses in Toledo have been impacted by deep road construction, he added. The first time occurred on Lewis Avenue.

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