Hendel: ZOO-to-DO draws thousands

SUNSET on the Savanna, the PNC ZOO-to-DO presented by Lexus of Toledo at the Toledo Zoo and Aquarium on Sept. 20 drew 2,250 party-goers while the animals were fast asleep.

That is, except for the giraffe, the male elephant, and a few other residents. There were also 150 volunteers including event chairmen Walter Norris, IV and Jeremy Zeisloft .

The rain or shine event, expected to net $345,000, started with showers, but before the VIP party in the Malawi Event Center featuring food by Hollywood Casino; entertainment, animal encounters, and train rides ended, the skies cleared for a beautiful night.

Everyone, who paid $185 for members and $200 for nonmembers, headed across the bridge past the bald eagle, to the historical side all lit with holiday lights, a preview of the Lights Before Christmas.

Leading the pack to the party with a purpose was the University of Toledo Marching Band.

Greeting everyone were stilt walkers and a contortionist.

Tunes filled the air everywhere: Velvet Jones, Red Carpet Crashers, Dave Carpenter , DC Taylor , Decorative Sound DJ, Venyx, and Tony Salazar .

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