ODOT plans more signs on Perrysburg ramp to urge motorists to slow down

After determining no problems exist with the pavement on a crash-prone freeway ramp in Perrysburg, the Ohio Department of Transportation has plans to address drivers’ speed by posting more warning signs.

Shiny new guardrail and scuff marks on the concrete barrier wall testify to frequent crashes on the ramp from northbound I-75 to northbound I-475/U.S. 23 in Perrysburg.

During dry weather, the ramp isn’t much of a problem. But when it rains, ODOT officials observed, crashes there spike.

Officials thought the wet-weather history might indicate the ramp’s pavement didn’t provide enough traction, said Kim Coutcher, the district traffic engineer at ODOT’s Bowling Green office.

But after skid testing was performed, she said, “The results did not show a friction issue with the pavement. This then redirects us to consider driver operating speeds.”

The ramp now has a ’55-mph Curve’ advisory sign posted just after it splits away from I-75, followed by a series of chevron arrow signs intended to guide drivers through the ramp’s broad leftward curve.

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