Top stories of 2024: Jeep’s rough road, changes at UT, everyone in the dark

In a challenging year, a bright spot for the region was a few minutes one spring afternoon when everyone was in the dark.

Thousands of people flocked to the greater Toledo area to experience the first total solar eclipse visible from northwest Ohio in more than two centuries. It was a highlight of a year that saw Jeep’s rough ride continue and the University of Toledo announce the elimination of multiple programs and the departure of its 18th president.

Area communities were not immune to tumult.

In Maumee, which was named Strongest Town champion, officials faced growing discontent over a pair of controversial pieces of legislation that subsequently led to a grassroots effort to recall the mayor and nearly every councilman.

To the north in Monroe County, the community struggled with the tragic deaths of two children at a birthday party in the summer while voters in the fall re-elected a commissioner who was scheduled to head to federal prison.

An horrific confluence of events led to four fatalities in a trio of accidents on the turnpike near Swanton, and residents of a central city apartment complex pinned their hopes on intervention by city and federal officials to improve the living conditions.

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