Rural Ohio brewery faces financial uncertainty after promised federal funds for a solar array are frozen

At the Wooly Pig Farm Brewery in Coshocton County, everything is built around sustainability. The idea is not simply about protecting the environment, but also maximizing the potential of the brewery and farm.

Heat produced by the brew kettles is fanned into the bar to provide warmth to patrons. The spent grain from the brewhouse is fed to pigs. Tubes weave their way beneath the bar, collecting the excess beer that drips from the tap after a pour. That beer is also fed to the pigs – typically in moderation, although there were times when the pigs were accidentally overserved. No harm was caused to the Mangalica pigs, but they did enjoy lengthy afternoon naps on those days.

Jael Malenke, 45, and Kevin Ely, 48, are the owners and operators of Wooly Pig Farm Brewery between the 2,600-resident village of West Lafayette and Fresno, population 140 – not counting the pigs, which really are quite fuzzy compared to other breeds.

In 2023, the married couple decided to take part in the Rural Energy for America Program by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, better known as REAP, with the goal of increasing the sustainability of their farm. The program has helped support dozens of projects across Ohio in recent years, and in July 2024, REAP awarded grants for another 20 projects totaling more than a $1 million investment in the state…

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