Making voices heard: Sahuaritans continue fight against proposed asphalt plant

A sea of red shirts overwhelmed the Sahuarita Town Hall on Monday night — these red shirts worn by members of Concerned Citizens of Sahuarita (CCS) .

They’ve been coming to Call to the Public meetings for about eight months to oppose the Vulcan Materials hot mix asphalt plant that could be coming to a property less than a mile from developing neighborhoods.

“Do your job” and “Why can’t you just say no” were some of the sentiments expressed to the town council.

Monday’s meeting is the first one following Vulcan’s recently submitted air modeling study, which claims its asphalt plant doesn’t pose any threats to residents and the environment regarding pollution.

The CCS says the study left out a few key parts, like emitted odors and volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), which aren’t regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency.

One member, Tootie Miller said her son worked in a research facility that didn’t prioritize keeping employees protected from pollution. Now he and some of his coworkers are battling cancer.

Story continues