Hotel and festival area considered for key downtown site

There’s fresh hope that a developer will fill a gaping gap in the heart of Tucson’s downtown.

75 E. Broadway has been a tantalizing part of downtown for a long time now. It’s in a great location. It’s got a lot of space but it’s empty. Development proposals have come, and gone but now there’s a new plan downtown boosters hope will succeed.

“One day, that’s what I say every time I see it. One day, there’ll be something there, but I think this is probably going to be it. I think this is probably going to be the project it’s going to do it.”

Paul Cisek owns Johnny Gibson’s Downtown Market, across the street from that big plot of land that could be attracting loads of new customers to his grocery and deli.

The land used to be valuable parking but for a lot of years it’s just been vacant, fenced off space while developers proposed big projects that never came through.

Now the Obie Companies of Eugene, Oregon are considering a concept that’s been successful for them. An independent luxury hotel, and what it calls a festival alley with shops selling unique crafts, plus bars, restaurants and space for community events.

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