Did something as awful as Covid 19 start a movement that could be the answer to many problems for Americans? Small-town America may be where you and your family get the most out of life.
When Covid hit America people started moving away from large cities where the disease was spreading rampantly. But what they found when they got there surprised and delighted in unexpected ways!
Work from homePhoto byMikey HarrisonUnsplash
Erin Gottsacker, in an article in Byline, reported that remote workers are also leaving big cities behind. He included information from a study by Philip Stoker from urban planning at the University of Arizona. According to Gottsacker the study showed there has been a interest in small-town living ever since the pandemic hit.
A Possible New Trend for America
Once people realize what small towns can offer their thinking changes dramatically. Small towns have a few things in common.
- Shorter commutes – In some towns the commute across town is less than 15 minutes.
- Slower pace – People relax when they get off work and love the peaceful atmosphere.
- Small crime rate – There are less people, so less crime, which makes a safe place to live.
- Less Competition – If you start a small business you won’t compete with big box stores.
- Save Money – Driving to the mall will probably be a nearby town so spending is less often.
- Small Town Values – People in small towns are usually polite and aren’t afraid to say hello.