Local Restaurant Hit with 10 Health Code Violations

When heading out to a restaurant, it’s always good to know the restaurant takes food health and safety seriously. You want to know the employees behind the scenes are using quality foods that are handled correctly. While every restaurant owner receives education on food safety, which is demonstrated through displayed food health certificates, the insights are not always maintained or passed down, which can lead to problems in the restaurant. That is exactly what has happened with one local restaurant here in Tucson, which recently was cited for 10 health code violations during its most recent inspection. 

On January 29, the county health inspector visited Ta Aspado at 5102 South 12th Avenue. Of the 10 violations, 7 are core violations, the other are considered priority or priority foundation violations. The first violation came in the form of problems with the hand-washing sink. Namely, the sink didn’t have running water. Employees had to use the three-compartment sink in the kitchen whenever washing their hands. The Person In Charge (PIC) was informed the sink absolutely needed to be repaired, and if it wasn’t within two days, the restaurant could face closure. 

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