Warrant: Deputies look to car’s electronics in Zahriya Moreno’s death

Sheriff’s deputies are taking a closer look at the vehicle of Zahriya Moreno’s
boyfriend in the incident that ultimately left the girl dead.

They have seized a computerized module from Angelito Olivas’ car. The warrant documents say that sort of module has the potential to record the car’s movements and may have captured any text messages from phones linked to the car.

As of now, Olivas is charged with aggravated assault in connection with the incident, which left Moreno brain dead. Her family agreed to take her off life support to become an organ donor.

Sheriff’s reports say Olivas told investigators the two had argued and Olivas thought the young woman was drunk. He told them she jumped on his car trunk as he drove away, then she fell off the trunk a few moments later.

The report says, “Mr. Olivas said he had seen her fall and thought she was just being dramatic.”

Olivas took the young woman to a Drexel Heights Fire Station instead of calling 911, he said because he didn’t want people seeing a dead body in the road.

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